Friday, November 14, 2008

Maybe It's Misinterpretation Not Miscommunication

Yesterday night I was speaking to one of my ex's on the phone. Somehow, we got onto the topic of dating and what it means.

Him: First dates are expensive. You take her somewhere trying to act all gentleman-like to please her. Everyone just expects a good impression. It's too much of a hassle. Especially since for most guys [excluding myself & a many others] it doesn't end in you getting what you want: the drawers.
Me: Since when was dating synonymous with sex? Sex is usually synonymous with a relationship. In my book at least.
Him: No, dating means we're not exclusive but you should still give it up ASAP. Like, why am i spending all this money to take you here & there for nothing?
Me: That's what dating is about. Getting to know where a person likes to go. What they like to eat. What you have in common. Your similarities basically. And your differences. And see if you can make a relationship out of it.
Him: Why can't I like you, start a relationship, and then get to know you? Why does dating even have to be involved? It encompasses the same things as a so called "relationship" right?
Me: NO! One, dating is not exclusive. I could be DATING three boys at the same time. A relationship is a commitment. Two, wouldn't you want to know someone is psycho before you start spending extended hours with them alone? This is what dating assists with.
Him: Why do you always assume everyone is crazy.
Me: Because I dated you.
Him: Funny. But as to exclusivity, all relationships aren't exclusive. Open relationships? Duh. And two, your date could be someplace where you're alone. That's usually what you want. So what's the difference?
Me: Idk. (Yes I said idk) Dating to me means nothing serious, non-exclusive, getting to know each other fun.
Him: To me [currently] it means nothing serious, non-exclusive, getting to know each other fun with sex and other perks included. Especially if I'm constantly putting out money.
Me: I guess it's just different interpretations. Maybe that's what's wrong with relationships. People go in thinking one thing about something and the other party comes in with a whole different idea about the same thing.
Him: First, I'm upset I understood what you just said. Two, I believe you're right.

Wow. What if we're all just communicating the wrong thing to each other. . .


Ariele said...

hahaha omg i had this same convo and got almost the same responses from the guy! dudes are too much and too little at the same time

Rich2021 said...

thnx for the comment